In the modern corporate world, individuals at all levels of the organisation face unique challenges. These challenges include constant pressure to work faster, the expectation to always be available, and the growing reliance on electronic communication, which can negatively impact our need for human connection and mental wellbeing.

At Ellis-Rapha Psychological Services, we offer a range of solutions to address these challenges, including counselling for team building, therapy for traumatised employees, and training to improve team performance. Our goal is to support both the wellbeing and performance of individuals and organisations by facilitating personal transformations that lead to healthier, more satisfied employees who are better aligned with their organisations.

We bring world-class clinical and consulting skills to create customised well-being programs that can benefit individuals and organisations in any professional setting. With our support, individuals can transcend the stress and strains of work life to become the best and happiest versions of themselves.

Our Corporate and Workplace Services

Capability Building
  • Expert talks and seminars on a wide range of mental health and psychology topics, especially relevant to the workplace
  • Customized Corporate Resilience Building Programs
  • Leadership development training
  • Skill-building workshops and training
Functional Support
  • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
  • Emotional Wellbeing Check-ups
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  • Individual Counselling and therapy
  • Psychological Assessment
  • Mental Health coaching
  • Transformational Executive Coaching
  • Referral services for employees and their immediate family
Individual Counselling and therapy

Confidential counselling and therapy to help employees address personal or work-related problems that impact their mental health, job performance, and overall quality of life

Customized Corporate Resilience Building Programs

The aim of any company is to ensure their team can withstand the pressures and mental strains associated with their demanding responsibilities while maintaining optimal productivity and performance levels.

We provide a set of specialised training programs designed to equip your employees with the necessary skills and strategies to build resilience and cope with stress in the workplace. These programs are customised to meet the specific needs of the organisation and its employees, and are conducted in person or virtually.

Building resilience in the workplace can help employees better manage work-related stress and maintain their physical and mental health. The Customised Corporate Resilience Building Programs aim to enhance employees’ resilience by teaching them practical skills such as mindfulness, positive thinking, time management, problem-solving, communication skills,
conflict resolution, and team building to promote a positive work environment and foster stronger relationships among colleagues. Additionally, these programs provide resources and support for employees struggling with mental health issues or work-related stress.

Skill-building workshops and training

At Ellis-Rapha Psychological services we focus on equipping your employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to promote mental health and well-being in the workplace. These programs are designed to enhance employees’ coping mechanisms, reduce stress, and create a positive work environment.

The goal of the skill-building workshops and training is to improve employee productivity, engagement, and overall well-being. The programs are delivered in person or virtually, and are tailored to specific departments or teams within the organisation.

These programs benefit both employees and employers, as they help to improve workplace morale, decrease absenteeism and turnover rates, and increase productivity and profits. By investing in the mental health and well-being of your employees, your organisations can create a more supportive and successful workplace culture.

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)

Even the most composed employees can experience long-term psychological effects after a distressing or traumatic event, like a violent crime, natural disaster, or death.

We provide Critical Incident Stress Debriefing sessions to help your staff cope with the physical and emotional symptoms associated with trauma. Our expert therapists are trained to provide the appropriate therapy to support your teams and individuals through the challenging and stressful aftermath of any critical incident or disaster.

Transformational Executive Coaching

This is a program we provide where business executives, managers, and other leaders receive guidance and support in improving their skills and abilities as leaders. This type of coaching is provided with individual clients to help them identify areas of improvement and develop personalised plans to achieve their goals.

Ellis-Rapha Psychological Services offers transformative coaching services for executives working in leading international and Nigerian-based companies. We distinguish ourselves from performance coaches by not only equipping you with the necessary tools to enhance your professional growth but also identifying and addressing any underlying obstacles that may
impede your success.

Our world needs leaders who understand themselves, have emotional intelligence, and can use
their power without force. We will help you to be just that.

Leadership development training

This is targeted to improve communication and interpersonal skills, as well as their ability to manage stress and navigate complex organisational dynamics. The training may also focus on developing the strategic thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills.

The goal of this training is to help clients become more effective leaders, which will lead to improved performance, increased job satisfaction, and greater success in their personal and professional lives.

Emotional Wellbeing Check-ups (Read more)

Psychological Assessment (Read more)

Mental Health coaching (Read more)

Ellis-Rapha Psychological Service provides customized solutions and scientifically-proven programs that enable workplaces to enhance your teams’ resilience.

To speak to our team on how we can best support your organization, please contact us.