The Emotional Wellbeing Check-up (EWC) provides an efficient and easy way to get an expert opinion and guidance on your mental wellbeing. The check-up aims to identify any potential risk factors in an individual’s current circumstances or lifestyle that could be negatively impacting their emotional wellbeing.

Similar to physical health check-ups as an essential part of any self-care program, the EWC can help ensure that you are not neglecting any issues that may be affecting their mental health and overall wellbeing. The check up can assist in identifying conditions such as anxiety, stress or depression.

Before the Emotional Wellbeing Check-up, you will be given an assessment form to complete. During the check-up, the clinician will discuss any issues or challenges that were highlighted in the form. The clinician will then provide recommendations on further support options, This can range from therapy to lifestyle changes, support groups or recommended resources.

Who needs it?

The Emotional Wellbeing Check-Up could be particularly beneficial in the following situations:

  • If you are meeting all the obligations in your life but not necessarily living well
  • If you feel like you are going through the motions without a strong sense of purpose or connection to those around you
  • If you believe have everything you need but do not feel content or satisfied
  • If you have tried various methods to improve the way you feel without seeing any improvement
  • If you are feeling emotionally unwell or experiencing emotional distress that is impacting your life but are unsure of what to do
  • If you have gone through a challenging life event or have a history of mental health issues and would like a check-up to assess your current state
  • If you are contemplating seeing a psychologist but are uncertain about what the experience would entail.


When you schedule an Emotional Wellbeing Check-Up and have a one-on-one meeting with our clinicians to discuss your specific situation, you will receive feedback on the following:

  • Your ratings for various emotional wellbeing indicators
  • Any potential risk factors that you should be mindful of different choices and approaches to enhance and protect your emotional wellbeing and overall health.

Kindly note, Clients only attending an Emotional Wellbeing Check-Up will not be given a diagnosis.